OUR OPPORTUNITY – Our mortgage debt impedes our ability to take full advantage of the ministry opportunities before us. We are convinced that the best way for God to move us beyond our limits, beyond our expectations, and to move us beyond ourselves, is to pay off our mortgage debt of $33,000.

HOW – We need to raise $25,000 over our regular budget (the total amount needed to pay off the mortgage early.)

WHEN – Completed by November 14, 2021, in order to approve our 2022 budget with no debt.

OUR URGENCY – Our present debt limits the resources in our ministry. Paying off the mortgage two years early reduces mortgage interest, allows our church to move into 2022 debt free, and allows God to push us further into ministry, sooner rather than later.


Pickup the two handouts from church (either on a Sunday morning or we've left a bin outside the church doors for your convenience). The one handout is an information card with your BEYOND envelope attached. The second handout is your "bottle of mortgage" filled with the church's shredded mortgage - we want our mortgage to look like this and be as valuable as this when it is paid off...shredded paper that is worthless, because debt is worthless to God because it can't be used for his ministry and mission.

We challenge you to take time understanding this opportunity and praying for God to move you and our church BEYOND our limits, BEYOND our expectations, and BEYOND ourselves in our faith and generosity. 

Then, return your gift which goes above and beyond your normal offering using the BEYOND envelope as you bring it with you to a Sunday morning service, or you can mail your check (write Beyond in the notes section) to the church (Messiah Lutheran Church, 3302. S. College Road, Wilmington NC 28412). 

Our goal is 100% participation.


OUR VISION – What began over 54 years ago as a small group of people gathering in a home, has become a large, weekly gathering, with environments for all families. Our goal is to be a church that churched and unchurched people love to attend.

OUR MISSION – We are leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We want people to experience that our church wants something FOR them, not something FROM them… that a relationship with Jesus can make their life better, and make them better at life.